Monday, December 27, 2010

2010.... What An Awesome Year!!!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you  had a wonderful holiday and my prayer for the New 2011 Year is that we all have a blessed and prosperous year.

I must say that 2010 was a fantastic year for me here at JAS Handbag Central.  I never would have imagined how busy things would be and I have to say  "Thank You" to all those who helped make my enterprise productive and so much fun.  I found a creativeness in myself that would never have surfaced without your encouragement and support.  I could never express my feelings when I saw the pleasure and excitement on each of your faces.  Also, I have to express a special "Thank You" to Mrs. Emily Dyer.  Ms. Em, as I fondly call her, is my "quality assurance expert" and believe me nothing excapes her eye for perfection. 

Now..... since things have begun to "taper off" a bit and the Christmas rush is over,  I can now focus on producing bags and totes for the upcoming spring festivals and fairs in the DC and  Mississippi metropolitan areas.  So, be on the look out for what's ahead.  I promise you won't be disappointed. 

From the JAS Handbag Central News Room

In the month of December a couple of my bags and totes were showcased on the "Sew, Whats New" website (  page 2 The African Tote and page 10 The Scrappysack).  I can't tell you how surprised and happy this made me.  I never thought something I created would ever be featured on a website viewed around the world.  What a GREAT Christmas Present! In a few days I will be posting my latest projects, so stop by and take look, see what I've been doing (Santa's elf was quite busy) .  And remember if you're working on a project that has your "Creative Juices" flowing, send me a email with a picture to and I'll post it on my website.  I always look forward to your emails and comments.

May you have a blessed and prosperous 2011.

Love and Happiness,

JoAnn at JAS Handbag Central.